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At MED we live life so close to the sea that we consider the Mediterranean to be our home. Who does not want the house to be in good order and clean? We do!

Well, it is not only our home, but also a showcase and leisure destination for everyone, especially in these times where we seek distance and tranquility on our vacations. That is why we work to set an example and demonstrate that a new way of doing business taking care of our space is possible!

First of all, we have the task of informing clients before starting any activity, about the state of our oceans and our respect for it. We ask for your collaboration so that they respect and care for the environment in which they find themselves, asking them to:

Don't use single-use plastic like straws, wrapped products, and bags: Plastic waste has become a growing problem in all oceans. Today, we can find seas covered with garbage, and most of this waste comes from our own waste.

Collect waste from nature if possible: Plastic not only causes degradation of the marine environment, but also the death of numerous species. For example, the plastic rings in the can packs can kill many animals that become trapped in them, such as turtles or fish, so it is essential to cut the rings for safety and above all to recycle them. Many brands are currently making a change to this. Estrella Damm, for example, replaces its plastic rings with 100% biodegradable cardboard, which will mean the reduction of more than 260 tons of plastic per year, the equivalent of almost 89 million units of plastic rings.

Always carry a refillable bottle with them: a good way to reduce plastic consumption is by using glass bottles or canteens!

Try to reduce your consumption of fish and shellfish: Numerous fish stocks are declining considerably due to habitat degradation, high demand and unsustainable fishing.

Do not throw garbage in our beloved MED, but in its proper container! Let's take care of the sea and take care of ourselves: Everything we throw into the sea can come back to us camouflaged in the intestines of the fish we eat, as if it were a revenge of nature.

Act responsibly to inspire others to do so too!

We also raise awareness through our social networks with publications and writings on the subject in our newsletters.

Secondly, we are responsible and we work as a first option with reusable materials. When the use of single-use materials is unavoidable due to the type of catering, we always opt for the biodegradable alternative. In this case we offer environmentally responsible materials, made of corn or plants before the customer asks us to do so;). Furthermore, in the caterings we offer for our groups, we prioritize local and quality products, always trying to comply with a wide variety of organic production vegetables. We work with caterings that increasingly offer more menus for those with vegetarian and vegan diets, and who also take care that their product is from an organic and sustainable harvest.

Third, both our event spaces and our office meet some specific environmental measures that regulate water and energy consumption! Among these measures adopted we find spaces for recycling, low consumption LED lights, temperature regulator, sunlight inputs, regulators in tanks, single handle taps and more!

Fourth, we actively participate in the social, economic and environmental integration of our community:

We have a collaboration agreement with the CRAM foundation. Turtle sponsorship program for the contribution of the conservation of the local marine environment.

We collaborate with our official supplier of waters, Ocean 52, of which 52% of the profits go to protecting the oceans.

We carry out training programs that help us give job opportunities to young recent graduates with little experience in the sector.

For all these points and more, Biosphere certifies us as a company responsible for sustainable tourism!

A voluntary and independent certification, based on the principles of sustainability and continuous improvement. A new model of non-aggressive tourism, meeting the current needs of customers and users, without compromising future generations. This certification guarantees an adequate long-term balance between the economic, socio-cultural and environmental dimensions of the destinations where we operate.

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